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Girl with Tiger


I connect people with the natural world through 

innovative design, communications, and storytelling


I am a graphic designer and communications specialist with a master's degree in international development and environmental science, and a graduate certificate in communications, art and design.

Over the past 15 years I have lived and worked in Australia, Africa, Asia, and North America, gathering extensive experience with both multi-national organizations, local non-profits, and small business. Drawing on long–term strategy and core design principles, I devise solutions that help clients tell the stories that are unique to them. 


I believe that great design and intriguing stories communicate a messageWhether designing logos and branding for conservation programs, transforming complex scientific data into easy-to-understand graphics and stories, creating communications strategies for international audiences, or writing on-the-ground impact stories, how we communicate should convey an attitude, a sense of place, and a willingness to be different. 


Growing up in the foothills of Mt. Buffalo National Park, I was privileged to enjoy the best of Australia's natural environment every day. These experiences shaped a personal desire to help create healthy, thriving environments and communities that enable future generations to enjoy the same opportunities.


I'm always interested in new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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